Health Benefits Of Besan (Gram Flour)

Health Benefits Of Besan (Gram Flour)

Besan is also known as gram flour. It is highly rich in nutrients & fiber. Generally, you will find this product in most of the kitchen storehouse and usually used to make yummy pakoras for morning/evening snacks.

In place wheat flour you can make use of Kanha Besan in sauces and other juices, as it mixes well and gives a nutritious flavour to the dish. This amazing product has many health benefits and is a key ingredient in many home skincare products. It is used for exfoliation and skin cleansing. It is also helpful to lose weight and control diabetes.

Today we are going to share some considerable health benefits of Besan that offered by the Nutresta-

Perfect For Your Healthy Heart

Besan keeps your heart healthy because it contains soluble fiber. The concentration of Besan fiber keeps cholesterol levels under control and this helps to improve heart function and improve blood circulation.

Minimize The Chances Of Diabetes

Do you know besan is considered one of the effective home remedies for diabetes? If you are struggling with diabetes or want to minimize the chances of becoming a diabetic patient then you can replace your wheat flour with chickpea flour to prepare chapattis and bread. The lower level of glycemic index keeps diabetes under control.

Support Your Battle with Allergies

You should use this flour if you are allergic to gluten. This gluten-free product can be used in place of wheat, which contains gluten. It is also low in calories and is very nutritious. Gram flour helps you fight many allergies.

Be a partner in your weight loss journey

Besan helps burn calories faster due to its lower glycemic index. Consumption of chickpea flour will help you eat fewer calories throughout the day. In order to lose fat and enhance nutritive value supplement your daily meal with besan.

Helpful For Skin Tightening

For skincare, gram flour is one of the most used products because it strengthens and lightens the skin. It helps maintain the elasticity of the skin. You all take one teaspoon of chickpea flour, add some turmeric and make a face pack using milk. Apply this face pack on your face & neck and keep it for 15 – 20minutes. Then, wash your face with cold water and apply a moisturizer. Regular use of this method will make your skin tight and young.

Strengthen Your Bones

The phosphorus present in gram flour mixes with the calcium present in your body which helps in making bones strong. If you are struggling with weak bones then you must try Kanha Besan. 

Helps control Diet & Mood

There is a high presence of vitamin B6 in besan. Vitamin B6 is a powerful factor involved in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in the regulation of emotions and desire.

Keeps You Away From The Iron Deficiency

Since gram flour is rich in iron, so if you start consuming gram flour daily, then the problem of iron deficiency goes away.

Keep Your Cholesterol Level Under control

Did you know that gram flour contains healthy unsaturated fats that keep your cholesterol levels under control? The problem of cholesterol leads to many other issues such as breakdown of energy, looking old at a young age, and many more. So include gram flour in your daily diet and lead a healthy life.

So friends, if you want to enjoy these listed benefits of gram flour then you should buy Kanha Besan as it is known for its quality.